Freezer Room Install at Bristol Preserves Company

The Cook:Chill Team were contacted by the owner of GingerBeard’s Preserves based in Bristol. Due to a steady increase in business, they had outgrown their chest freezer and now had a requirement to increase their frozen cold storage capacity.

Following a site survey and meeting with the client, a 3170mm (w) x 1370mm (d) x 2200mm (h) freezer room with a thru-roof monoblock refrigeration system was specified. This allowed for maximum allowance of the space provided. The refrigeration unit selected was a single phase Rivacold monoblock system, with a set point of -18°C.

The Cook:Chill Team met the delivery vehicle at the site, inspected and signed off the delivery. The room was built, LED lighting and freezer spec strip curtains installed and commissioned in 1 day.

If you have a refrigeration project in the pipeline, why not give one of the Team a call today on

01179 646 497 or through our website below:

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